EuroPreArt home What does it mean EuroPreArt?
It's an acronym for European Prehistoric Art
Fascinating, but why this project?
It aims to contribute to an awareness of the diversity and wealth of this heritage.
Well, what's it doing?
The project is building an enduring database to show the variety and characteristics of these vestiges.
Who funds it?
The European Union [funded 2000].
Who's in it?
[till 2002] The following network of universities, museums and research institutes: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT, Portugal), CUEBC - European University Centre for Cultural Heritage (Italy - Europe), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Asociación Cultural Colectivo Barbaón (España), Université de Liège (Belgique), Gotland University College (Sverige), University College Dublin (Eire), Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Italia), Study Centre and Museum of Prehistoric Art of Pinerolo (Italia), The European Centre for Prehistoric Research in the Alto Ribatejo (Portugal), ArqueoJovem - a youth NGO (Portugal).
What's that logo?
The EuroPreArt logo shows various prehistoric glyphs, listed below, within the stars of the European Union flag:
- Spiral, Copper Age style, Grosio. Italy
- Horse-head, Palaeolithic style, Côa Valley, Portugal
- Schematic figure, Neolithic style, Monfrague, Spain
- Archer, Neolithic style, Valencia, Spain
- Sexual scene, Bronze Age style, Bohuslän, Sweden
- Granary-hut, Iron Age syle, Valcamonica, Italy
Which countries are covered?
Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden
Now, what's online?
At visitors can browse or explore over eight hundred records about prehistoric art. There are about two thousand photos, tracings and maps, well over two thousand bibliography entries, as well as links to download the EuroPreArt Access data-entry file.
How can I get in touch with the people?
A compiler's name and organisation appears below each record (click the Web-site link). Partners' details are in the "Partner" section. Specific forms under the "feedback" section.
But what about copyright?
No commercial use of EuroPreArt content (text and pictures) is allowed. Specific copyright for pictures and drawings owned by author or institutions is mentioned in the captions.
And how do I cite EuroPreArt?
EuroPreArt, European Prehistoric Art Online Database (
Do I need anything special to view the stuff?
Almost any Internet browser will do. There may be differences, especially in page sizing. Check that Java scripts are active. Navigate with the EuroPreArt system or browser navigation arrows.
So, which Internet browsers work?
[2014 update: quite all, including smartphones]
Oh, and the monitor's screen resolution?
This should be at least 800x600 but 1024x768 or more would be preferable.
What does it mean "EuroPreArt - Data - Partners" and "Help" in the upper navigation bar?
The online site is ruled by a main upper navigation bar and two left menu. The upper navigation bar leads to the home page ("EuroPreArt"), to the prehistoric art and bibliography databases ("Data"), to the pages of the Institutions that collaborated in the project ("Partners"), to the the help and frequently asked Question page ("Help").
How can I get more info about each specific EuroPreArt partner?
[not updated] Open the "Partners" page from the upper navigation bar and click over a logo. You can also read each Institution home page clicking on the link specified in any record or over the little icons at the bottom of each database related page.
How can I get more info about the EuroPreart Database and Web site structure?
Please click on "Structure" from the home page and choose "The EuroPreArt
Database System" or "The EuroPreArt Database Portal".
Where can I download the EuroPreArt inserting data form?
You'll find a link in the "Database System" page (click over "Structure" from the home page)
How can I reach the data?
Click over the main logo in the home page, over the "Start Here" logo or over "Data" in the upper navigation bar.
Feedback & Contacts:
how does it work?
[2014 update: only main contact-form available, HERE] The Feedback & Contacts section has been created to make possible an easy communication with the EuroPreArt project. You can submit any comment or suggestion, report for eventual bugs or technical problems, propose new partners or sections and send suggestions for each geographic section. The EuroPreArt project is a work in progress: if any archaeological European Institution or Researcher is interested in joining it is possible to submit here a proposal. It will be reviewed by all the current EuroPreArt partners.
what can I see?
ALL the pictures of the EuroPreArt database! The slide-show contain 2500 slides: a new one is automatically loaded each 6''. You can choose which country to start from. To exit click on the pictures. Please notice that a fast connection is needed.
Links? Which links?
[not updated] To facilitate an online browsing and data collection EuroPreArt recommends 8 main links, specifically related to archaeology and rock art. ARGE and ArchNet for archaeology.
What can I do with the Europe Image Map?
Click over a colour-enhanced country to open the specific set of records. Click over any other area to open the entire prehistoric art database.
What does it mean "List" in the "Options" menu?
It will list the entire prehistoric art database, showing only the rock/site names. Click over any name to open the related record.
What does it mean "Summary" in the "Options" menu?
It will list the entire prehistoric art database, showing only the text content of the main fields
What does it mean "Search" in the "Options" menu?
It will enable to query the prehistoric art database with text strings
What does it mean "Biblio" in the "Options" menu?
It will list, sort or query the EuroPreArt bibliography
What can I do with the specific country Image Map?
Click over a colour-enhanced area to open the specific set of records. Click over any other area to open the entire country related set of records.
What does it mean "No filter in use"?
When you list the prehistoric art database clicking over the "Summary" button of the "Options" menu no filter is active, so you are listing the entire database.
What does it mean "Filter in use"?
When you perform a query the matching records are listed and the database is in filtered mode.
What does it mean the text after "Filter in use"?
It is the filter key filter in xBase language, i.e. the expression which rules the filter (e.g. what did you ask in your query).
What does it mean "Found x records'?
The number of records matching your query is marked here.
How does it work the blue-and-yellow little navigation bar placed on the right side?
Click over yellow arrows to open respectively the first, the previous, the next of the last listing page of the entire prehistoric art database.
Which is the function of the "Show" button placed in the upper left corner?
The range of records shown in the listing page is customisable: typing a number in the left box and clicking over "Show" you will list as many records you want (default is 10).
How does it work "Sort Data" placed in the middle upper part?
If you choose an option from the pull-down menu you will sort the database by the name of the rock/panel/object, by the country or by the area, in ascending or descending order.
How does it work "Clear"?
If a filter is active and you click over "Clear" you set the filter off and so list the entire database.
How can I see the complete record?
From the listing page click over the number or the name of each record.
How can I browse the records?
Open the "Pointer" pull-down menu and click over the name of the record you want to open.
How does it work the blue-and-yellow little navigation bar placed on the right side?
Click over yellow arrows to open respectively the first, the previous, the next of the last record of the active set.
How does it work "ClearFlt"?
When you choose to open a specific set of records (country-related or search-dependant) the database is in a filtered state. If you click over "Clear Filter" you set the filter off and so browse the entire database.
What does it mean the blue text after "Filter in use"?
It is the key filter in xBase language, i.e. the expression which rules the filter. The number of records matching the filter is marked here.
What does it mean "Viewing record x/xxx?"
It shows the record number and the total number of records
Which is the function of the little country map under the country name?
If you click on it you will open the country related Image-Map or if not present the general Europe Image-Map.
How can I open a picture in a higher resolution view?
Click over it.
Once a picture is opened, how can I come back to record?
Click over the higher resolution image or over your browser back arrow.
Who compiled the record?
See "Compiler" at the bottom of the record.
What does it mean "Total bibliography"?
If you click on it you will open the total European bibliography of EuroPreArt.
What does it mean "General bibliography"?
If you click on it you will open the total country-related bibliography of EuroPreArt (e.g. if you are looking at a French record you will open the French bibliography).
What does it mean "Specific bibliography"?
If you click on it you will open the specific bibliography of the current record you are browsing.
What does it mean "Page not found?
Most commonly you will reach a "Page not Found" when your search has no results or when you open a specific bibliography which is not present.
Where this form is coming from?
The EuroPreArt form derives from previous rock-art forms (CIARAO -International Commission of Western Alps Rock Art- , WARA -World Archive of Rock Art-, RAD - Rupestrian Archaeology Database-) and was designed by the EuroPreaArt partners. See specific text in the "EuroPreArt Database System" ("Structure" section of the upper navigation bar).
What does it mean "DBF data are managed by BASERUNNER"?
All database capabilities of the EuroPreArt Web site are managed by BASERUNNER (, a shareware resource which is able to run under Linux or Windows servers. No ASP, no SQL, no ODBC commands are needed: commands, functions, expressions, variables and memo files are the common ones of an xBase environment. [2014 update: Baserunner is no longer maintained nor developed. Anyway it is still working, and very fast: 600-800 ms for a single record (~261 kb) and 400 for a query result, 98% faster than all tested websites at Pingdom Website Speed Test].
What does it mean
OPTION 1--> .and. query?
[2014 update] The query is performed by combining all the input strings. .AND. operator is used, all fields must match. E.g., if you input "fra" in the "country" field and you check "shelter", you'll obtain all the French engraved or painted rocks under shelter of the EuroPreArt database.
What does it mean
OPTION 2--> .or. query?
[2014 update] The query is performed by combining all the input strings. .OR. operator is used, at least one field must match. E.g., if you input "fra" in the "country" field and you check "shelter", you'll obtain all the engraved or painted rocks in France and all the sheltered ones of the EuroPreArt database.
Why the search form is changed?
[Dec 2014. Due to server restrictions and dismission of query functions (POST method, query and parsing troubles), previous EuroPreArt search form is no longer available. After a code rewriting, more click buttons were inserted. Features and searching possibilities remain unchanged]
What does it mean partial string?
Search works with text partial strings ("cam" form Val Camonica or "lasc" for Lascaux)
What does it mean case insensitive?
The string is case insensitive (no matter if you type "cam" or "CAM" or "cAm").
Can I combine different search criteria?
Yes, simply write text strings in more than one field or check boxes.
Can I type more than 1 string in a search field?
It doesn't work. Typing "aba aca" in the "name" field you will only find all the records where the string "aba aca" is present.
Must I write a name with the proper upper or lower case?
No, the search is case insensitive.
How can I know how many records I've found with my search?
Take a look at the top of the listing page or at the top of each record. After "Filter in use" and the filter expression the number of records matching the query is marked
Which kind of references are listed?
The entire EuroPreArt bibliographic database is listed. This database is the sum of all the country-specific databases compiled by each EuroPreArt partner. Titles listed are specifically related to the prehistoric art items (rock paintings, rock engravings, mobile art, menhir) treated in each section.
What does does it mean "Listing x title from…"?
Here again the starting position is marked over the total number of references.
How does it work the blue-and-yellow little navigation bar placed on the right side?
Click over yellow arrows to open respectively the first, the previous, the next of the last listing page of the entire bibliographic database.
How does it work "Customize your listing"?
If you type a number and you click over "Show" you will modify the default length of the listing page (which normally shows 100 titles at a time). Pay attention in putting large numbers: the download of the page risks to be slow.
How does it work "Sort Data"?
If you choose an option from the pull-down menu you will sort the bibliographic database by the name of the author, the year of publication or by the title, in ascending or descending order.
How can I perform a bibliographic search?
Type a string (also partial, case insensitive) into the "author", "title", "year" or "In" fields. Click over "Search" or click Enter.
What does it mean partial string?
Search works with partial strings, like "gour" for Leroi-Gourhan (and eventually others)
What does it mean case insensitive?
The string is case insensitive (no matter if you type "Breuil" or "breuil" or "breuIL").
Can I combine different search criteria?
Yes, simply write text strings in more than one field.
How can I know how many books I've found with my search?
Read the number at the left top corner (just under the "Europe" title or country name)
What does it mean the blue text after "Filter in use"?
It is the key filter in xBase language, i.e. the expression which rules the filter.
How can I list again the entire database after a search?
Click over the "ClearFlt" (clear filter) button to cancel your query.
How is the bibliographic database ordered by default?
By the author name and by the year of publication.

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